Author: greg

Metro DC DSA's anti-eviction and tenant organizing campaign

No Trabajo, No Renta: Diez meses de organizar la lucha de inquilinxs

Traducción al español: Comité de Justicia de Lenguaje del Sindicato de Inquilinxs de Los Ángeles Abril 2021 Una Nueva Generación de Organizadorxs Durante los últimos diez meses, la pandemia del Coronavirus y las crisis sociales y económicas que la acompañan han transformado el proyecto de Eliminar a lxs Propietarixs de Tugurios, junto con la mayoría…
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Rent strikers protest outside of Marbury Plaza

A year of pandemic organizing at Marbury Plaza

The one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown is in many ways a sad occasion, but it’s also a good time to evaluate the successes and failures in tenant organizing during a pandemic. Others have written a more comprehensive analysis of the citywide tenant struggle. This post from SOS organizer Alex S. offers a more micro-level,…
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DC Tenants Call on Susan Rice to Cancel the Rent

On Jan. 23nd, 2021, over 200 DC tenants and activists marched on the house of Susan Rice, head of the Domestic Policy Council, to demand that the federal government cancel the rent, keep everyone in their homes, and not subsidize slumlords. These excerpts from their speeches show the power and passion of the DMV-wide tenant…
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Logo of OTU

Fighting Slumlords, Evictions, and Substandard Housing: Omaha Tenants United builds a radical tenants movement

In this article, Kevin Carty looks at tenant organizing in Omaha. Talia started organizing with Omaha Tenants United for the same reason that many other renters get involved with the group: substandard housing. “I was living in a pretty crappy apartment at that time and was really realizing the kind of situation that renters are…
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DC Marches to Cancel the Rent

In this post, SOS organizer Evan S. reflects on the successes and challenges of our October 31 march on Mayor Bowser’s house to demand rent cancellation. With the COVID-19 pandemic progressing through its eighth month, tenants in DC face a continuing economic struggle while bracing for a massive and looming eviction crisis. Even with legal…
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Tenants Demand: Cancel the Rent!

The following is a selection from the speeches of tenants who spoke at the Cancel Rent Halloween March on DC mayor Muriel Bowser’s house on October 31, 2020. They speak for an enormous proportion of the working class in the United States, one whose perspectives are rarely heard even in left-wing publications. (Thanks to Kylé…
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When Our Building Was Sold, We Organized

In this post, 730DC editor Hayden Higgins reflects on his building’s experience with DC’s TOPA process, which allows a tenant association to make a counteroffer when their building is up for sale. One day last October, I came home to find a 24-page packet of dense legalese taped to the front door of my apartment…
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A tenant holds a "NH+1st On Strike" banner

The First Thing That I’ve Learned Is to Lose Fear: Interview with a Tenant at New Hampshire and First

In this interview, conducted in Spanish and translated by SOS organizer Katharine R., a tenant at a medium-sized building in Fort Totten reflects on his experiences with organizing and building tenant power. (His name has been changed for this post.)  Tenants at New Hampshire and First Apartments started organizing back in April, shortly after the…
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“They Can’t Do Nothing About It”: Fighting for Housing Justice in Winston-Salem

In this post, our correspondent Jacob W. looks at housing organizing in Winston-Salem. As eviction proceedings ramp up and housing takes center stage in the Covid-19 crisis, local housing organizing is an essential way to fight back. The Winston-Salem based organization Housing Justice Now has been taking actions in immediate response to the eviction crisis…
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A group of tenants and organizers holding inflatable cockroaches

Power in a Union: DCTU Comes to Oak Hill

In this post, an SOS organizer argues for the importance of building horizontal connections across the city through a citywide tenant union. There are no locks on the doors at Oak Hill. The eight-building complex in Ward 8 had locks at some point, but Sanford Capital never bothered to replace them. After Sanford Capital stopped…
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